Keith Hodson, the founder of ACCENT EUROPE, has developed two very specific training courses intended for PhD students and researchers that are given on behalf of the EcoleDoctorale de Lyon (University of Lyon).

These training courses are based on experience acquired from 30 years of work for research.
- Writing scientific articles in English
- Oral communication in English for scientific conferences

ACCENT EUROPE also provides these training courses on behalf of SCIENCES IMPACT and RITME, two companies specialised in training intended for scientific establishments.



Every year,PhD students from all over the world come to study in the laboratories of the universities and research institutes in Lyon. They are able to attend professional training courses that provide them with additional competences.
The Writing Scientific Articles in English training course is designed to aid them to write efficiently in a language that is not their own; writing concise texts on highly complex subjects is far from easy, even for native English speakers.
More than an English course, it is a genuine written communication course in which the students learn to structure their thoughts so that a third person can understand the importance of their research work without having to contact the author for verification. The methodology used helps the students to become more autonomous and more at ease when writing in another language.


How can speaking in public and holding the audience’s attention be made less difficult? How can one make what one says sound interesting and highlight the specific characteristics of one’s work within a very limited time? This training course is designed to answer these questions and help PhD students and researchers to present their works at conferences, symposiums and seminars. The trainees learn to present their work with more confidence, spontaneity and reactivity, control their speech and pronunciation, and give their message rhythm in a foreign language.

More than a language course, it is a genuine communication course where each participant learns that their most important tools are their voices, bodies and gestures. They also learn how to synchronise and modulate these tools in order to ensure the success of their presentations along with efficient use of the visual media chosen, whether PowerPoint or other applications.

A few client references

List of journals that have published articles translated or proofread by Accent Europe.

European Journal of Agronomy
European Journal of Soil Science
Plants and Soil
Soil and Tillage Research
Soil Science Society of America

Fundamental and Applied Limnology
Global Change Biology
International Journal of Limnology
Journal of Clinical Microbiology
Mutation Research – Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis

Analytical Chemistry
Journal of the American Chemical Society
Kinetics and Catalysis
Polymer Testing

Computer Science and Mathematics
Computer & Structures
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering
Computers and Information in Engineering Conference
Computer and chemical

Civil Engineering
Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering
European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering
Hydropower and Dams
Transport in Porous Media

Economic Modelling
International Journal of Public Sector
International Journal of Transport

The environment

Aqua-Lac – UNESCO
Aquatic Toxicology
Environmental Science and Pollution Research
Journal of Water Resource and Protection
Archives of environmental contaminants and toxicity
Earth Science Review
Environment International
Forest Ecology and Management
Journal of Environmental Management
Journal of Environmental Quality
Journal of Hazardous Materials
Marine Ecology Progress Series
Microbial Ecology
Sciences of the Total Environment
Urban Water Journal
Water Sciences and technology
Journal of Hazardous Materials
Vadoze Zone Journal
Water Research

Food Science
International Journal of Food Science and Technology

Deep Sea Research
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom

Structural mechanics, numerical simulation
ASME conference 2011
ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics
ASME Journal of Computational Methods and Nonlinear Dynamics
ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics
Comptes Rendus de Mécanique
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
Granular Matter

International Journal of Solids and Structures
Journal of Applied Physics
Journal of Heat Transfer
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
Journal of Mechanical Design (ASME) Proceedings of the ASME 2012 Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition ASME, IMechE
Journal of Mechanism and Machine Theory
Journal of Sound and Vibration
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing
Journal of Vibration and Control
Materials Science and Engineering
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing
Mechanism and Machine Theory
Nonlinear Dynamics
Proceedings of the ASME 2011 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences
Proceedings of the ASME 2011 Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition
The Shock and Vibration Bulletin
Transactions of the ASME

Transport, cognitive sciences, ergonomics, health, medicine
Accident Analysis and Prevention
British Medical Journal
Injury Prevention
Physiology & Behaviour
Safety Science
The Journal of Infectious Diseases
Traffic Injury Prevention
Journal of oral rehabilitation

Journal of Tribology
Tribology International